Dennis Lister

Constituency #35 - Sandys North Central

Dennis P. Lister was born and raised in Sandys Parish. He was educated in Bermuda and America, and has a degree in Business Administration. 

Dennis is the longest-serving Member of Parliament, having been first elected to Parliament in 1989. Dennis served as the Shadow Minister for Youth, Sport and Recreation and Shadow Minister for Transportation. From 1998 to 2012, he sat as a Member of the first Progressive Labour Party Government and served as Minister for Youth, Sport and Recreation, Minister for the Environment, and the Minister for Works and Engineering. In 2017, when the Progressive Labour Party regained Government, Dennis was unanimously elected Speaker.

Dennis has participated in and created a variety of “Green Technology Projects”. He has presented on Green Energy topics in Bermuda, the Caribbean and the USA, including taking one of the first electric cars to a conference in the Caribbean.

Dennis and his wife Miranda have been married for 39 years. They are Seventh Day Adventist and serve as family life directors for their local church.

Contact Dennis Lister