PLP Response: You Can’t Have “Clean Hands and Pure Hearts” While Aligning with the OBA

The FDM’s Attacks Are Loud, But Their Answers Are Silent

The FDM’s statement is long on attacks but short on answers. While they are quick to throw stones, their own actions speak louder than their rambling words.

They claim to stand for “clean hands and pure hearts,” but their eagerness to align with the One Bermuda Alliance (OBA) tells a very different story. You can’t claim moral high ground while trying to climb into bed with a party whose record Bermudians have repeatedly rejected.

The FDM’s talk of collaboration with the OBA is not about principles or progress—it’s about political opportunism and personal vendettas.

Let’s not forget the OBA’s disastrous record:

  • Slashing funding for scholarships
  • Refusing to increase pensions for seniors
  • Trying to slash a woman’s access to mammograms
  • Pepper spraying peaceful, innocent, elderly protestors
  • Signing insane deals at the airport and at Morgan’s Point that cost taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars
  • Trying to force Pathways to Status down our throats

This is the same OBA that Bermudians held accountable at the polls for their failure to govern in the interests of the people.

This is the same OBA that their former Chairman, Senator, and candidate, Justin Mathias, describes as,

“ unorganized trainwreck of an organization.”

This is the same OBA that Marc Bean repeatedly referred to as,


This is who the FDM wants to help put back in power.

Let’s not be distracted by the FDM’s unhinged diatribes, conspiracy theories, and their lackluster at best, non-existent at worst, candidates.

The truth is, the FDM has no meaningful plan for Bermuda. Their so-called “economic policy” is little more than buzzwords designed to sound good but falls apart under scrutiny. They claim to represent change but are leaning on the very tactics and alliances that Bermudians have seen—and rejected—before.

Bermudians deserve honest leadership and real solutions, not empty rhetoric and backroom deals with the OBA based on personal vendettas.

The Progressive Labour Party remains focused on building a fairer Bermuda for all of us—not just for the privileged few.

The FDM can talk about “clean hands and pure hearts” all they want, but their willingness to collaborate with the OBA shows exactly who they are. Words are cheap. Actions, and alliances, reveal the truth.