Advance Poll

The Parliamentary Registrar today advised voters who will be travelling on or before polling day and incapacitated voters are eligible to vote in the advanced polls on the 11th, 12th, or 13th of July at the Seventh-day Adventist Church, King Street, Hamilton.

“Polling station hours for advanced polls are 8:00am – 8:00pm,” the announcement said.


“Advanced polling certificates for travellers will be issued at the Parliamentary Registry starting from 5 July through 13 July. The office will have extended hours on the 11th, 12th and 13th, from 8:00am – 8:00pm to issue certificates and voters cards.

Required documentation:

  • “Identification – accepted forms are: a driver’s license, a passport issued by a commonwealth country, a special person’s card, or a voter’s card.
  • “E-ticket receipt or a confirmed airline ticket itinerary showing the dates of travel; and

Incapacitated Voters

“Incapacitated voters will need to present themselves to the Chief Medical Officer at the Hamilton Health Center on Victoria Street, Hamilton.

“This includes those with physical disability needing assistance with voting and seniors who may need additional time and assistance to vote. Any voter who is scheduled for a medical procedure that will prevent them from being able to travel to the polling station on polling day may also apply to vote in advance.

“Certificates will be issued from 5 July through the 13July, between 9:00am and 12:00pm and again from 2:00pm – 4:00pm, Monday through Friday.

“Voters should call ahead for an appointment on 278-6460 to reduce waiting times at the clinic.

Required documentation:

  • “Identification – accepted forms are: a driver’s license, a passport issued by a commonwealth country, a special person’s card, or voter’s card;
  • If the voter has a scheduled medical procedure, a letter from his or her doctor stating that they unable to travel to the polls on polling day i.e. a prescheduled C-section or a surgical procedure.”