PLP Statement: Attempts to Intimidate Activists Will Not Stop Us
PLP Honoured to March with Unionists on International Workers' Day
This May Day, our PLP parliamentarians and members were honoured to march beside union leaders, members and activists to mark International Workers’ Day. Fundamental rights that we take for granted today would not have been attained without union workers fighting for them. However, in Bermuda, where workers’ leaders are under attack, the fight for social justice must rage on.
In the rest of the world, May Day honours union demonstrators who died in a police attack during a peaceful protest. The irony is that this May Day in Bermuda, our union leaders were dragged before the court for participating in a peaceful protest, where they were attacked without provocation by police.
The PLP continues to be angered that no one has taken responsibility or been brought to justice for the pepper spraying of innocent Bermudians, including the elderly. In these two Bermudas, attackers are protected and victims are persecuted. This is a disgusting attempt to silence and shut down those fighting for transparency.
Opposition Leader David Burt: “The Progressive Labour Party is just that, a labour party; one that was founded out of the movement for workers and we will always stand in solidarity with them. A whitewashed peer report and attempts to intimidate activists through unjust persecution will not silence us or stop us from demanding answers. For the last five years, we have seen Bermudian workers ignored and marginalised by the OBA Government. Now, they are being persecuted for daring to stand against this. Our union leaders support the workers, and the PLP supports them.”