Four Years of the OBA's Disastrous Education Policy is Enough!

Actions have consequences and this OBA government’s actions over these pasts four years would seem to show that education does not have the place in their agenda it should. We ask, how can our country hope to prosper when the next generation of Bermudians are being short changed by such leadership that continues to allow our children to go underequipped and mold ridden schools?”

The PLP believes we owe it to our children, educators and communities to ensure that the facilities we place them in are conducive to learning. Under a PLP government they will be the priority. We will work to make sure all schools are safe for our children and educators, while also equipping them with Wi-Fi and the latest technology so they have all the tools they need to learn and succeed in life.


Our actions will prove that education will be a priority. We will start by reforming public education by phasing out middle schools and developing and implementing signature schools at the secondary level focusing on academics, the trades, business, sports and the arts. We also won’t ignore higher education because every Bermudian must have the opportunity to attain the skills they will need to compete and thrive in an ever-changing world. The PLP will increase funding for higher education scholarship and provide financial support to make Bermuda College accessible to all Bermudians. Because what good is education when it’s not accessible to everyone?


Four years of the OBA’s disastrous education policy is enough. Their indifference to our children and their future is startling. Their ineptitude and mismanagement has sent a troubling signal to our youth, their parents, and our educators that they are not this Government’s priority. That will change under the PLP because we believe everyone matters, not just the chosen few. For the betterment of our country, on July 18th we must elect a government who will make education a priority.”