Throughout our history, immigration laws and policies have been mired in the combustible mix of race, politics and class. They have divided our community, created distinct benefits for some and resulted in the marginalisation of others. We can never forget the historic protests in March 2016, when the OBA tried to force blanket status grants on Bermudians without consultation.
Your next PLP Government will:
- Complete comprehensive bipartisan immigration reform to ensure that the rights of Bermudians are advanced and protected, while recognising the need to grow our economy with fair and balanced work permits and residential policies. Our reform will ensure that Bermudians will come first, employer abuse is minimised, and the land in Bermuda is protected for Bermudians.
- Reverse the OBA’s immigration policy which removed the requirement that businesses that bring in overseas entertainers must also employ a Bermudian or Bermudian group at the venue at the same time. We will require entertainers’ work permit submissions to include the payment of travellers’ fees.
- Adopt policies, inclusive of random checks, to ensure that employers of vulnerable work permit holders are acting within the law and adhere to policy.
- Impose a set of graduated penalties for employers who act in bad faith with regards to the hiring of Bermudians.
- Collect emigration statistics to identify trends and gather a better understanding of the core reasons for Bermudians leaving our shores.