Immigration Press Conference Remarks from Minister Hayward

PLP: A Bermudian-First Approach to Immigration

Good day, Bermuda.

The stakes of the next election could not be higher.

On February 18th, we will decide the future of our country. One issue that is critical to most Bermudians is the next Government’s approach to immigration.

The Progressive Labour Party believes in a fair, measured, and Bermudian-first approach to immigration.

We believe in policies that:
✔ Protect Bermudian jobs
✔ Safeguard opportunities for our children
✔ Ensure Bermuda remains a country where opportunities for Bermudians are not diminished

That’s Why We Have Taken Action to Put Bermudians First:

✔ Expanded and maintained closed and restricted job categories to protect Bermudian jobs and opportunities
✔ Protected Bermudian entertainers by rolling back the OBA policy that allowed businesses to bring in foreign entertainers without hiring Bermudians
✔ Introduced the Prohibition of Entry Order to safeguard Bermuda’s borders and enhance security
✔ Introduced the Economic Investment Residential Certificate, requiring non-Bermudians to make a mandatory investment in Bermuda before obtaining residency
✔ Restricted visitors’ stay to 180 days in a 12-month period, minimizing illegal residency and employment
✔ Restricted internships for non-Bermudians, ensuring opportunities for Bermuda’s youth

A Fair and Balanced Approach to Immigration

The PLP Government has always supported a fair and balanced approach to immigration by:

✔ Implementing the Mixed Status Family Legislation to keep families together
✔ Removing the requirement for an Affidavit of Domicile for children born to Bermudian parents overseas, making it easier for them to obtain Bermudian status
✔ Amending eligibility requirements for Permanent Resident Certificates (PRC) to allow individuals to apply after 20 years of residency, or 15 years for non-Bermudian parents of Bermudian children

PLP’s Future Plans for Immigration Reform

The PLP plans to amend the Work Permit Policy to ensure:

🔹 The hierarchy of hiring is reinstated, placing Bermudians first among all worker categories
🔹 All foreign nationals seeking to work in Bermuda must pass an English proficiency exam

Why Immigration Should Not Include Giving Away Bermudian Status

The PLP strongly believes that we can achieve our strategic immigration objectives without providing status to non-Bermudians.

It is true that Bermuda requires a larger workforce to support our aging population, but this can be achieved without granting status to non-Bermudians.

Under the PLP, we have taken a deliberate, balanced approach to immigration reform—protecting Bermudians while creating opportunities for guest workers who contribute to our country in meaningful ways.

The OBA’s Immigration Legacy: Pathways to Status

Under the OBA, we saw Pathways to Status—an attempt to give away Bermudian status with no real protections for Bermudians.

The OBA must consider the negative consequences of giving away Bermudian status.

Bermudians fought back against Pathways to Status before.

🇧🇲 We marched together.
🇧🇲 We blocked Parliament.
🇧🇲 We stood shoulder to shoulder to stop Pathways to Status.

We must stand together again to ensure the OBA’s plan to grant status never becomes a reality.

February 18th: The Choice is Clear

On February 18th, voters must decide:

✅ A PLP Government that puts Bermudians first in every decision we make.

❌ An OBA Government that has already demonstrated they will reduce investment in the people of Bermuda and diminish opportunity.

Let’s Stand Together for Bermuda’s Future

On February 18th, let’s stand up again and affirm the PLP as Bermuda’s next Government.

Thank you.