I can’t believe I’m having to put this out to the Bermudian people.
But, I want to be crystal clear so that there is no confusion whatsoever: Premier David Burt is a born Bermudian. His father is Bermudian through and through and his mother also has Bermuda status.
David Burt was born in Bermuda. He loves Bermuda. And, he is a Bermudian.
I’ve known the Premier for a number of years. When he was away at University and became the student body President at The George Washington University, he was known for wearing Bermuda shorts and socks. He has had a camp at Cup Match for as long as I remember. He even has his own swizzle recipe. He comes to our social clubs. He goes to church. He attends parades and community events. He is Bermudian through and through.
To date, Leah Scott has not apologized for her Donald Trump-style birtherism. And, the OBA has not taken down or edited the video to remove this birtherism. Leadership counts. And, I hope the people of Constituency #30 are watching. If you want to be represented by someone who peddles a ‘birther’ conspiracy or if you want someone who is
connected to the community for years.
It doesn’t matter if you’re rich or poor, black or white, OBA and PLP, we all must come together to focus on the economic recovery and we need to elect proven leaders of integrity to see us through these difficult times.