The Bermuda Progressive Labour Party Mourns the Loss of Long Serving Member - LaVerne
Furbert, JP
The Bermuda Progressive Labour Party (PLP) family is saddened by the passing of one of our
long-serving members, and former Senator, Ms LaVerne Furbert, JP.
Sister LaVerne supported the PLP in numerous capacities during her long life dedicated to service.
She was the right hand to former Opposition Leaders, Dame Lois Browne-Evans and L. Frederick
Wade, during their terms as Party Leader. Ms. Furbert ran as a PLP Candidate in Southampton in
1982, and then again in 2007 in Pembroke South West. In 2010, Ms. Furbert was appointed to the
Senate and served as Junior Minister for Education, Youth Affairs & Community Development.
Within the Party, she served on many committees including the Party Executive Committee,
Campaign Committee, Research and Platform Committee and the Public Relations Committee. Her
counsel and candour could always be counted on as the Party toiled in Opposition or served in
Government. LaVerne was fearless, had a sharp tongue and strong opinions, but a huge heart and a
giving soul. She would help anyone in need, political persuasions cast aside.
Ms. Furbert also had a long career in journalism with publications such as the Bermuda Times and
was the editor of The Workers Voice.
Ms. Furbert sacrificed much in her fight for equality and social justice. She was a true PLP soldier,
loyal, dedicated and committed to making Bermuda a better place. We thank her for her service to
our Party and her extraordinary contribution to Bermuda Industrial Union.
On the loss of Sister LaVerne, Premier and Party Leader David Burt said, "Laverne Furbert was an
unwavering force in support of Bermuda's workers, the Progressive Labour Party and the Bermuda
Industrial Union. She will be remembered for the strength of her convictions and the fearless manner
in which she communicated the core values of social justice and equality in this society. As we
mourn her loss, all Bermuda will fondly recall her vibrant spirit and dedication till the very end of her
The Bermuda Progressive Labour Party extends our heartfelt condolences to her sons Vance &
David and their wives, her grandchildren, her sister Maxine, and to relatives & friends. The PLP
family mourns with you and we will forever remember our dear departed Sister LaVerne Furbert.