PLP Statement on Emperial Group Press Conference

The Truth About the Emperial Group’s Call for Unity

The announcement of the Emperial Group and their call for unity among the OBA, FDM, and Sir John Swan’s “Independents” lays bare a critical reality:

👉 A vote for anyone that isn't the PLP is a vote for the One Bermuda Alliance.

We All Know the OBA’s Record

🔹 We know that they have been suspiciously silent on their plans around immigration.

🔹 We know that they have been suspiciously silent on their plans to shrink what they too frequently refer to as the “bloated Civil Service.”

🔹 We know that the OBA’s Jarion Richardson has refused to come clean about his backroom discussions with the assorted political entities seeking to be on the ballot.

The Threat Is Clear

⚠ Go to bed with the FDM, Emperial Group, or Sir John Swan’s NewBP… and wake up with the OBA.