By Walter Roban, MP
Despite the misinformation portrayed in today's RG, the Government is and remains committed to obtaining justice for the Bermudians displaced from their homes. We WILL find the resources to ensure we have that inquiry.
As stated by our Premier and Party Leader at the opening of the Progressive Labour Party's 2018 Delegate's Conference
"Over the next 4 years, we will also deal with justice. I can remember in 2014 when the 'Land Grab' motion was passed in Parliament - and a commission of inquiry was never called for by the Governor. Justice is finding the truth about what happened with people who were wrongfully disposed of their property. There is no price that you can put on justice, and so we will find the resources to ensure that we have that inquiry, that the country understands what happened in the past, and that we put in place measures to ensure it doesn't happen in the future."
We were elected to take on the issues that matter most to Bermudians and build a better fairer Bermuda and as we have kept our pledges to increases scholarships for our youth, slash payroll tax for Bermudians struggling to make ends meet and raised pensions for seniors for the first time in years, we intend to keep our promise on this issue.
Walter Roban, MP