PLP Tables Revenge Porn Legislation

PLP Tables Revenge Porn Legislation
“The PLP is once again making steady progress for Bermudians with the introduction of legislation that will criminalize "revenge porn," or in legal terms, the non-consensual distribution of intimate images online in any form. 
With social media and near-universal access to cameras, people, particularly women, have been victimized by attacks on their privacy through the malicious distribution of personal images without their consent.
These attacks have ruined lives, ruined reputations, and even led to suicides. As your government, the PLP will ensure that these demeaning and dehumanizing attacks will be punished. And if this legislation is approved by the Senate, it will be illegal to distribute sexually explicit images of someone without their consent. The real-world impact is clear. If your ex, your current partner, or even someone who hacks your computer or mobile device shares intimate photos or videos of you against your will, or if anyone forwards intimate images sent to them they can be arrested, brought before the courts, and punished. 
Alongside the recent laws passed toughening of protection for children from abuse and exploitation, this revenge porn legislation represents steady progress by our PLP government in providing greater protection for our community. 
Please tune in to the House of Assembly this Friday when the government will push for the criminalizing of Revenge Porn.”
MP Ianthia Simmons-Wade of Constituency 25, Warwick North East.