Your next PLP Government will:
- Invest in proper maintenance programmes for public transport assets to minimise downtime and extend the life of our buses and ferries.
- Ensure all new public transportation is accessible for Bermudians with physical disabilities.
- Introduce electronic fare collection on public transport.
- Extend the public transport network by use of minibuses to areas that are not currently served by public buses. These minibuses can collect payment via the new electronic fare system.
- Reduce the competition for tourism dollars between the government and public service vehicles. The first step to accomplishing this goal will be to reduce the current use of public buses whose sole purpose is to take visitors on sightseeing tours.
- Reduce the red tape for entrepreneurs looking to enter business by reforming and simplifying the antiquated system of acquiring a truck permit.
- Provide the option for commercial vehicles to be licensed for six-month periods.
Bermuda has a high rate of road injuries and fatalities as a result of drunk driving. We must change the culture of drunk driving in our society and encourage more respectful behaviour on our roads.
Your next PLP Government will:
- Enhance the government’s collaborative partnership with the Road Safety Council and local insurers to improve the quality of the Project Ride Programme.
- Implement sobriety checkpoints in an effort to increase enforcement and reduce the number of people who decide to drink and drive.
- Introduce stricter penalties and fines for vehicles illegally parked in marked disabled parking bays.